Thoughts on MP Heifer Rations in 2014

Thoughts on MP Heifer Rations in 2014

We have been fortunate to have a surplus of forage in North Central Wisconsin so far this summer.  The quality of much of the 1st cutting is not as good as other years, but it is forage nonetheless.  I have spent some time studying MP heifer rations with mature...
Planning Ahead for Next Winter’s Propane

Planning Ahead for Next Winter’s Propane

As the summer season comes you may not be thinking of next year’s heating season but now is the time to prepare for the upcoming winter. We experienced one of the coldest winters in many years coupled with supply and pricing issues. Despite these things, we did manage...
Dry Cows and Metabolizable Protein Balancing

Dry Cows and Metabolizable Protein Balancing

While trying to decide what I wanted to write about, I thought of an article from February 2013 in The William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute Farm Report. Before you read my analysis, take a look at that article: Are Your Cows Getting Enough Metabolizable...